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Community Kitchen Garden

Our Recycled Products

Use our cubic yard


All mulches are made from local woods that are by-products of local tree maintenance. Other products such as granite fines, asphalt millings and street pavers are materials that have been specifically salvaged for recycling. First-time customers are encouraged to visit our site to learn the differences between our products prior to purchase.

LRC products are sold in bulk

Customers that have open bed trucks or trailers can be loaded for with a purchase of half cubic yard or more.  Customers are encourage to have knowledge of their max weight the equipment can handle stated by the manufacture.  Customers that fill containers are restricted to the use of a container that has the capacity clearly labeled or 5/7 gallon bucket. 

If you are a commercial/government entity interested in large quantities of LRC products or custom potting mixes, please contact us regarding availability and possible discounts.

Option #1

1 Cubic yard 

The LRC products are sold in 1/2 cubic yard/ton increments when material is loaded by operator.  This is a free service we offer. Customer are not allowed to shovel material in to vehicle without attendant’s approval.


Note: Customers are responsible for knowledge of their vehicles weight limitations.  Material weight is increased when wet.  The LRC material weight is an estimation.

Option #2

1 to 35-Gallon

If you need less then 1/2 cubic yard, Customers may bring in a 5-Gallon buckets and self-fill them with material for a lower fee.  This fee is based on a total of 35 gallons.  This charge can not be altered due to less quantity.   



5/7 gallon bucket.

Customers are Not Allowed to fill plastic trash bags

Garbage Bag

Note: Customers that are looking to load their own material are required to provide their own tools.  The Attendants of Landscape Recycling Center are not permitted to allow use of tools or equipment to customers. 


Container that has the capacity clearly labeled

Option #3


For those who don’t own or have access to a truck or trailer, the LRC offers a fee- based delivery service for our materials to be delivered to customers within a 25-mile radius from our facilities. 



Screen Garden Compost

Abono para jardín con pantalla

Hasta 35 galoness/Contenedores: $6.75 | A granel: $34/yarda cúbica

Aspecto franco negro, textura muy fina

Hecho de: Hojas y otros materiales vegetales 100% locales. Se requiere más de un año para que LRC complete el proceso de torneado, cribado y almacenamiento.

Aplicaciones:Excelente enmienda del suelo que enriquece y mejora tanto los suelos arenosos (agrega capacidad de retención de agua) como los arcillosos (agrega porosidad y espacio de aire). También se puede utilizar como aderezo para el césped o en jardines de flores y vegetales. ¡Ideal también para jardinería en macetas! El pH promedio es 7,5.


Estimated Weight: 2000lb /cubic yard

Stable-To-Soil Enhancer

Mejorador de estabilidad al suelo

 (Formerly Mushroom Compost)

Hasta 35 galoness/Contenedores: $7.50 | A granel: $37/yarda cúbica

Material de color marrón claro y de textura muy fina que puede retener el olor a estiércol durante varias semanas.

Hecho de: Corteza de madera dura, material de paja y estiércol de caballo de los establos locales que se convierte en abono para obtener un producto acabado de alta calidad.

Aplicaciones: Fertilizante natural para paisajes de cultivos no alimentarios. Excelente fuente de nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (K). Además, el estiércol devuelve al suelo materia orgánica y otros nutrientes como calcio, magnesio y azufre, lo que aumenta la fertilidad y la calidad del suelo.


Estimated Weight: 1750lb /cubic yard


Shredded Mulch

Premium Shredded Hardwood Mulch

Mantillo de madera dura triturada de primera calidad

(Hasta 35 galones/contenedores: $5.25 | A granel: $25/yarda cúbica)

Rico color marrón chocolate oscuro y textura fibrosa fina.

Made from: Brush and log material with a percentage of mixed greens that are milled and composted to a perfect age before being milled a second time into a fine fibrous mulch.

Applications: Easy to plant through, work into soil and will stay in place even on inclines. Excellent for trees, shrubs, perennials, annual flowers and spring flowering bulbs.

Premium Shred 12-10.JPG

Estimated Weight: 900lb /cubic yard

Ultra-Fine Shredded Hardwood Mulch

Up to 35-Gallons/Containers: $5.50 | Bulk: $25.75/cubic yd

Rich dark chocolate brown in color and fine fibrous texture

Made from: Brush and log material are milled and composted and age before being it is milled a second time. Larger materials are screened out, leaving only the very fine humus like mulch..

Applications: Easy to plant through, work into soil and will stay in place even on inclines. Excellent for peat moss alternative, perennials, annual flowers, spring flowering bulbs, peat moss alternative.

Premium Shred 12-10.JPG

Estimated Weight: 900lb /cubic yard

Standard Shredded Hardwood Mulch

Standard Shredded Hardwood Mulch

Up to 35-Gallons/Containers: $5.50 | Bulk: $21.50/cubic yd

Rich dark chocolate brown in color and medium-fine fibrous texture (coarser than our premium shredded, so does not break down as quickly)

Made from: Brush and log material with a percentage of mixed greens that are milled and composted into nicely aged medium textured mulch. This high quality medium textured mulch is LRC’s standard shredded mulch.

Applications: Easy to plant through, work into soil and will stay in place even on inclines. Excellent for trees, shrubs, perennials, annual flowers and spring flowering bulbs.


Estimated Weight: 900lb /cubic yard

Acidifier Mulch

Acidifier Mulch (Shredded Pine Mulch)

Up to 35-Gallons/Containers: $5.50 | Bulk: $15.75/cubic yd  (available Mid-April- while supplies last)

Shredded light golden pinewood mixed with pine straw medium texture

Made from: Wood from the community Christmas Tree Recycling Program.

Applications: Excellent for acid-loving plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, blueberries, pin oaks and various conifers.

Standard Shred 12-10.JPG
Not Available

Estimated Weight: 800lb /cubic yard

Premium Chipped Hardwood Mulch

Chipped Mulch

Premium Chipped Hardwood Mulch

Up to 35-Gallons/Containers: $5.50 | Bulk: $25.75/cubic yd

Carmel to dark brown and uniform fine chip-like texture

Made from: By-product of local tree trimming materials. Select chips are composted and aged for several months before being milled into a top grade, uniform product.

Applications: Excellent for pathways and garden trails as well as around trees, shrubs, perennials, annual flowers and spring flowering bulbs. Interesting companion mulch when paired with shredded mulch due to its different texture.



Estimated Weight: 900lb /cubic yard

Select Chipped Hardwood Mulch

Select Chipped Hardwood Mulch

Up to 35-Gallons/Containers: $5.50 | Bulk: $21.50/cubic yd

Light tan to silver gray and chip-like texture may include twig and leaf debris

Made from: By-product of public and private tree maintenance. Carefully selected wood chips from only the sharpest wood chippers that are screen tested to meet minimum quality standards. This choice mulch is composted to create nicely aged chipped mulch that represents the best of chipper mulches.

Applications: Economical choice for mulching around trees, shrubs, perennials, annual flowers and spring flowering bulbs.


Estimated Weight: 900lb /cubic yard



Quartered Wood

Free | $5/load if LRC loads into dump truck or open trailer.  (quantities limited)

Loading $10.25

(Please call 217-344-5323 for load date and times)

Made from:  Bulk logs that have been split into pieces about 3 ft in length and 1 ft wide making the wood easier to transport. Varies in age from several weeks to several years old. Most pine wood has been sorted out.

Applications: Great for outdoor bonfires. Can also be split into firewood.


Bulk Wood

Free (LRC will not load this material)

Made from: Various deciduous tree woods that are by-products of local tree maintenance. Varies in age from several weeks to several years old. Most pine wood has been sorted out. Generally unseasoned, although seasoned pieces are easily recognizable as wood darkens and turns gray.

Applications: Furniture building, wood carving, firewood, etc.


(only available Oct-Mar)

Choice of 15 pieces: $8.25 (Self-select and load) | Rick: $80 (quantities limited)

Made from: Unseasoned mixture of various deciduous tree woods that are by-products of local tree maintenance. Varies in age from several weeks to several years old.

Applications: Wood burning fireplaces, stoves, etc.


Other Material

Other Material

Pulverized Topsoil Blend

Up to 35-Gallons/Containers: $7.75 | Bulk: $49.25 cubic yd

Organically enriched premium topsoil with good structure and a fine grade of texture

Made from: Premium topsoil from our local community that is pulverized and blended with 1/3 compost.

Applications: Enriched topsoil that is less likely to clump and clod, and easier to work. The addition of organic material improves soil aeration and water retention.


Estimated Weight: 2000lb /cubic yard

Recycled Red Granite Fines

Red Granite

5-Gallon Bucket: $19.50 | Bulk: $180/ton  (quantities limited)

Made from: Decomposed granite material is a by-product in granite excavation.

Applications: Excellent medium for hard surface pathways, driveways and patios. Fine texture allows it to be swept between pavers. Also useful around building foundations where something other than wood mulch is desired.


Estimated Weight: 2000lb /cubic yard


Asphalt Millings

Up to 35-Gallons: $3.50 | Bulk: $16.25/ton  (quantities limited)

Made from:  Recycled road asphalt that is milled and then screened to 5/8” size aggregate pieces.

Applications:  Excellent material for hard surface driveways as an alternative to oil and chip. Also can be used as a base for patios, walls and fence post footings. Higher temperatures and repeated traffic will compact the material into a solid form over time.


Estimated Weight: 2000lb /cubic yard

Urban Lumber

Live Wood

Red Oak & (other species): Charged by the board foot (quantities limited)
Please Call for appointment (217)384-2303 or

Customers that are interested in purchasing Urban Lumber are required to schedule an appointment to select boards and make a purchase. 

Board are stored in storage container.

Made from: Urban trees removed from Urbana-Champaign area, milled locally.  Air dried and untreated.

Applications: Utilize the natural beauty of untreated, live edge wood for furniture, artwork, and other indoor uses.

red oak.jpg

How Much Product Do I Need 

  1. Measure the length of the area needed to cover.

  2. Measure the width of the area needed to cover.

  3. Multiply length by width to calculate square footage.

  4. Locate the square footage in the first column of the chart below.

  5. Locate the depth in inches required for your project across the top row of the chart. (We recommend 2-4 inches for mulching; 12 inches for certified playground mulch)

  6. The corresponding number represents a close approximation of the number of cubic yards require

Product Calculator
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